[mapserver-users] php-mapscript loading error

Bruno Gendron bruno_gendron at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 31 10:13:07 EDT 2001


Just to confirm my feeling about this, I just finished
compiling the latest nightly source of
Mapserver-PHP-Mapscript with no apparent problem (the
mapserv binary is working fine). Curiously, when I
load the php-mapscript extension with dl() and test it
with phpinfo for example, no problem, but as soon as I
begin using mapscript inside my PHP script, boom!, I
receive the following error:

Warning: Unable to load dynamic library
'/usr/lib/php/extensions/php_mapscript.so' -
/usr/lib/php/extensions/php_mapscript.so: undefined
symbol: gdImageJpeg in
/var/www/html/mapserver/mapscript.php4 on line 14

My guess is that PHP and Mapscript are not using the
same GD library: is this the case?


Bruno Gendron
Consultant en TI et en geomatique / IT and GIS Consultant
Lachine, QC Canada, Tel: 514-634-7024

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