Mapserver question

Doug Bryant doug at
Tue Jan 30 07:35:39 PST 2001


I'm currently evaluating MapServer for an upcoming project.  I have been
impressed with it thus far.

It appears that Mapserver will do everything we want it to do with one
possible exception.  Is it possible to dynamically generate map layers
based on databased data?
For instance, if we have users input an arbitrary location and
corresponding data, then store that data in a database, is it possible
to represent the location on a layer with a point. 

I am guessing that this is the void ArcSDE will fill, but need to make
sure that this feature is/is not available now. If this is the case, any
rough estimate on when the MapServer extension for ArcSDE will be

Also, could someone confirm my suspicion that the 8-bit limitation on
Raster maps means 8-bits red, 8-bits green and 8-bits blue, not a total
of 8-bits split between RBG.  (Sorry, I'm somewhat lacking in my
knowledge of graphics :-)

Thank you very much for any feedback.

	Doug Bryant

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