[mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript module and Phorum

Rob Martinson cathode at nichebox.com
Mon Jul 2 18:52:35 EDT 2001

Just FYI for those of you that run Phorum PHP forums with mySQL (and
possibly others). You cannot leave your php_mapscript.so loaded at all
times with this or use it within the same script where phorum is called.
And if you're running Apache as standalone instead of through inetd you
will have additional issues. The problem is that Phorum declares a query
class which conflicts with a class of the same name in the Mapscript
module. What I have done is just gone through all of their code and
renamed the class so it doesn't interfere.

Rob Martinson
Nichebox - http://www.nichebox.com
Development - http://dev.nichebox.com 

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