[mapserver-users] Image Speed Questions---Generic

Ballard,Lowell LBallard at YesVirginia.org
Thu Jul 26 10:15:17 PDT 2001

Say, for example, you needed to display/serve high-res imagery (on the
Internet) for a large spatial extent (e.g., a state or region).  There would
be several ways to get this done.  

For example:

1. You could use multiple images and reference each as an individual layer
(administrative nightmare).

2. You could use multiple images and get at them through an image catalog.

3. You could mosaic them into one large image (could get REALLY big
fast--probably not feasible)

4.  If pyramid layers/aux/MrSid were supported you use them to display
moderate sized mosaics or original imagery (greatly reduce storage footprint
but uncomressing hammers CPU cycles).

5. You could resample imagery at different resolutions (1m pixel resolution;
5m; 10m) and reference each collection (e.g., 5m) with a different image
catalog depending on viewing scale (i.e., viewing at county-extent use 10m
catalog; city-level use 5m; subdivision use 1m).

6.  You store them all in SDE (~2:1 compression lossless).

7. About any combination of the above (e.g., resample imagery to 1m, 5m etc
and create pyramids for those).

8. .......

I'm curious how others would accomplish/approach this task.  I can post a


Lowell Ballard

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