FW: [mapserver-users] ArcSDE 8.1 for Linux

Ballard,Lowell LBallard at YesVirginia.org
Mon Jun 4 09:58:48 EDT 2001

Here's the word from ESRI on Linux SDE support FYI.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Baleja [mailto:jbaleja at esri.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 1:38 PM
To: Ballard,Lowell
Cc: Matthieu Denuelle
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] ArcSDE 8.1 for Linux


Sorry for the confusion that our support of Linux at 8.1 has apparently
created. First to clarify the current situation, we support Red Hat Linux
6.2 with our ArcSDE client libraries in ArcSDE 8.1 for Oracle8i. Developers
can now build custom applications with either the ArcSDE C or Java
application programming interfaces.

As to when a Linux ArcSDE server release will be available, we have started
development work on ArcSDE 8.x for Oracle8i on Red Hat Linux.  A release
date for this server has not been determined, however, we expect a release
before the end of 2001.  We will need beta sites for the Linux server for
ArcSDE 8.x for Oracle8i once it's ready. If anyone is interested in becoming
a beta site, please send an email to jbaleja at esri.com. As to the other
database vendors that we support, we are continuing to monitor the market
demand for Linux server support.

John Baleja
ArcSDE Product Mgr.

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