June 2001 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Jun 1 06:02:12 PDT 2001
Ending: Sat Jun 30 13:38:27 PDT 2001
Messages: 251
- [mapserver-users] PHP4.0.5?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] java mapplet tooltips -- question
Robert Chavez
- [mapserver-users] java mapplet tooltips -- question
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] PHP4.0.5?
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] Scale
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] OGC specs
- [mapserver-users] wildcards
Olle Hints
- [mapserver-users] OGC specs
Rob Atkinson
- FW: [mapserver-users] ArcSDE 8.1 for Linux
- [mapserver-users] kill process on NT
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] LabelAngleItem
- [mapserver-users] Changing feature points
Mike Law
- [mapserver-users] SPLASH mapserver
- [mapserver-users] shapefile, Perl/Mapscript issues on Windows
Ludovic Tenant
- [mapserver-users] Changing feature points
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] kill process on NT
Don Silvia
- [mapserver-users] (PHP) MapScript: mapfile->zoom to location->get shapes
Martin Kokes
- [mapserver-users] Changing feature points
Robert Aldridge
- [mapserver-users] Changing feature points
Robert Aldridge
- [mapserver-users] Re: queryUsingPoint queryUsingRect don't work
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] wildcards
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Scale
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] OGC specs
Doug Nebert
- [mapserver-users] kill process on NT
- [mapserver-users] FWD: need binary for sun os 5.6
- [mapserver-users] Will MapServer work for me?
Rob Duncan
- [mapserver-users] kill process on NT
Dave Vieglais
- [mapserver-users] OGC specs
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript on Solaris?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] (PHP) MapScript: mapfile->zoom to location->get shapes
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] point query with mapplet
David Raitzer
- [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] enterprise gis
Eric Frost
- Mapserver with Geotiff
Caldera OpenLinux User
- [mapserver-users] enterprise gis
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux
Robert Aldridge
- my images are now backwards
Sharon O'Rourke
- [mapserver-users] php4.0.5 mapscript on Windows
Assefa Yewondwossen
- [mapserver-users] selectively bypass mapplet?
David Raitzer
- [mapserver-users] LabelAngleItem
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] PHP database access
Ludovic Tenant
- [mapserver-users] my images are now backwards (fwd)
teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver with Geotiff (fwd)
teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
- [mapserver-users] Newbie Q.
Ben-Nes Michael
- [mapserver-users] IGES
Andréas M. Winter
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver with Geotiff (fwd)
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] IGES
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Cartographie thematique - Expression ?
thierry KAUFMANT
- [mapserver-users] cartographie thematique et mapscript ?
thierry KAUFMANT
- [mapserver-users] install problems (fwd)
- [mapserver-users] PHP4 - demo.map - msLoadSymbolFile error
Janet Ciavarelli
- [mapserver-users] city map in shape file format
Zhai, Wayne
- [mapserver-users] Appending to shapefiles?
Janet Ciavarelli
- [mapserver-users] off-topic - Apache and MapObjects IMS
Chad Nielsen
- [mapserver-users] Active Server Pages and Mapserver
Brian Fischer
- [mapserver-users] city map in shape file format
Don Silvia
- [mapserver-users] JSObject in applet
Cameron Shorter
- [mapserver-users] need binary for sun os 5.6
Christian Kernbach
- [mapserver-users] java mapplet tooltips -- question
Robert Chavez
- [mapserver-users] city map in shape file format
Sonia Dickerson
- [mapserver-users] Another mapplet PNG question
Robert Chavez
- [mapserver-users] java mapplet tooltips -- question
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] selectively bypass mapplet?
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet - java applet zoom-box question
Tom Cadman
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet - java applet zoom-box question
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet - java applet zoom-box question
Kralidis, Tom
- [mapserver-users] More ASP and MapServer
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] Placing a point
Janet Ciavarelli
- [mapserver-users] selectively bypass mapplet?
David Raitzer
- [mapserver-users] selectively bypass mapplet?
David Raitzer
- [mapserver-users] some problems
Sabine Ackermann
- [mapserver-users] Another mapplet PNG question
Woody Wallace
- [mapserver-users] FW: Source / Cost for GIS consulting work?
- [mapserver-users] Join question
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Join question
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Linux/SDE 8.1 libs/layer connects
- [mapserver-users] PHP/MapScript Example
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] polygon selection
Ludovic Tenant
- [mapserver-users] Linux/SDE 8.1 libs/layer connects
Havard Tveite
- [mapserver-users] newbie question database extraction
Paul Smith
- [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux
- [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] newbie question database extraction
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux
- [mapserver-users] Regular Expressions Question
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] GMAP php demo
Janet Ciavarelli
- [mapserver-users] track_vars
Janet Ciavarelli
- [mapserver-users] GMAP php demo
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Re: Track_vars
Janet Ciavarelli
- [mapserver-users] Re: Track_vars
John Carlson
- [mapserver-users] Re: Regular Expressions Question
- [mapserver-users] Regular Expressions Question
Andries J. Algera
- [mapserver-users] e00 to shp
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [mapserver-users] e00 to shp
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Regular Expressions Question
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Expressions & SDE Layer
Robert Aldridge
- [mapserver-users] Expressions & SDE Layer -- More Info
Robert Aldridge
- [mapserver-users] Dashed line symbol
Robert Aldridge
- [mapserver-users] Expressions & SDE Layer
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Dashed line symbol
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Regular Expressions Question
Tim McGuire
- [mapserver-users] [layername_leg]
Robert Aldridge
- [mapserver-users] Regular Expressions Question
Don Silvia
- [mapserver-users] CGI Program Sample
Eric Tang
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP-Mapscript on W2K
- [mapserver-users] SHP files Q.
Ben-Nes Michael
- [mapserver-users] Re: [GRASSLIST:1961] SHP files Q.
Radim Blazek
- [mapserver-users] compilation problems
emayerus.cs at clearstream.com
- [mapserver-users] Error running the php gmap
- [mapserver-users] More compile problems
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP-Mapscript on W2K
Assefa Yewondwossen
- [mapserver-users] Installing PHP-Mapscript on W2K
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] More compile problems
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] [layername_leg]
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] PHP 4.0.4 vs. 4.0.5, MapScript - weird behavior
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] dazed & confused (fwd)
- [mapserver-users] [Q] Relation of .shp, .dbf, and .gif | .tif files
Roderick A. Anderson
- [mapserver-users] Proj.4
- [mapserver-users] [Q] Relation of .shp, .dbf, and .gif | .tif files
Thorsten Fischer
- [mapserver-users] True Type and PHP
- adding another data source to mapserver (PostGIS)
Dave Blasby
- [mapserver-users] [Q] Relation of .shp, .dbf, and .gif | .tif files
Roderick A. Anderson
- [mapserver-users] Proj.4
Thorsten Fischer
- [mapserver-users] still some problems with the annotation function
Sabine Ackermann
- [mapserver-users] adding another data source to mapserver (PostGIS) (fwd)
teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
- [mapserver-users] shp and associate files
Ben-Nes Michael
- [mapserver-users] shp and associate files
Thorsten Fischer
- [mapserver-users] Find Nearest ?
- [mapserver-users] Compiling MapServer 3.5 on Windows NT
DebasishS at riskinc.com
- [mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.
Ben-Nes Michael
- [mapserver-users] Problems with mapscript on win32
Lars Holm Loldrup
- [mapserver-users] Question about Symbol Creation
Christian Fuerpass
- [mapserver-users] Question about Symbol Creation
Christian Fuerpass
- [mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.
Thorsten Fischer
- [mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.
Ben-Nes Michael
- [mapserver-users] MrSID Format
- [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Dave McIlhagga
- [mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Paul Hastings
- [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript examples for newbie
Greg Mader
- [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: ]
Jamie Smedsmo
- [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Andrea Goethals
- [mapserver-users] OracleSpatial Support
DebasishS at riskinc.com
- Fw: [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Eric Frost
- [mapserver-users] dazed & confused (fwd)
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] accessing GD functions
Vincent Jansen
- [mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Re: line symbol for railway
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] MrSID Format
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] accessing GD functions
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] onclick -> PHP MapScript
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] MrSID Format
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Thematic Legend, Name / Label?
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] MrSID Format
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Feature Suggestions?
Dave McIlhagga
- [mapserver-users] MrSID Format
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] imgbox works on Netscape but not Internet Explorer
Hockaday, John
- [mapserver-users] Compiling MapServer with Oracle Spatial
DebasishS at riskinc.com
- [mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial error
DebasishS at riskinc.com
- [mapserver-users] Blank image generated from oracle spatial layer.
DebasishS at riskinc.com
- [mapserver-users] imgbox works on Netscape but not Internet Explorer
Michael Hearne
- [mapserver-users] Blank image generated from oracle spatial layer.
DebasishS at riskinc.com
- [mapserver-users] query tiled data
Paul Hastings
- [mapserver-users] MS Workbench Setup Problems
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] SDE queries
- [mapserver-users] onclick -> PHP MapScript
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] Strange results with the QueryResultObj Class in the PHP Mapscript
Christian Fuerpass
- [mapserver-users] Re: Strange results with the QueryResultObj Class in the PHP Mapscript
Christian Fuerpass
- [mapserver-users] Thematic Legend, Name / Label?
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] coloring map
Ludovic Tenant
- [mapserver-users] Projection Question
Kieran J. Ames
- [mapserver-users] coloring map
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] annotation in legend
Sabine Ackermann
- [mapserver-users] coloring map
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] coloring map
Dave McIlhagga
- [mapserver-users] coloring map
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] What about OGC's interface of WMS
Zhou Xu
- [mapserver-users] Drawing imgbox on map image.
Hockaday, John
- [mapserver-users] Classify raster image
Berend Veldkamp
- [mapserver-users] Layer description in template file
Berend Veldkamp
- [mapserver-users] Layer description in template file
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Classify raster image
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Classify raster image
Andrea Goethals
- [mapserver-users] FW: OGC WMS 1.1 posted publicly
Kralidis, Tom
- [mapserver-users] query tiled data
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Thematic Legend, Name / Label?
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Re: Projection Question
Kieran J. Ames
- [mapserver-users] imgbox works on Netscape but not Internet Explorer
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] query tiled data
Paul Hastings
- [mapserver-users] Re: line symbol for railway
- [mapserver-users] Transparent Background w/ PHP?
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] Re: Projection Question
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Drawing imgbox on map image.
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Transparent Background w/ PHP?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Map Server Hardware requirements
Eric Hillmuth
- [mapserver-users] QueryObjects: What is displayed versus what is returned
David Kriske
- [mapserver-users] imgbox works on Netscape but not Internet E xplorer
Hockaday, John
- [mapserver-users] win32 SDE binaries
Paul Hastings
- [mapserver-users] Re: query issues
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] QueryObjects: What is displayed versus what is returned
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] QueryObjects: What is displayed versus what is returned
David Kriske
- [mapserver-users] QueryObjects: What is displayed versuswhat is returned
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] University of Texas - web project (fwd)
- so lost. ..
- [mapserver-users] so lost. .. (fwd)
teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
- [mapserver-users] Compiling MapScript
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] fast resampling, and RGB support
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Compiling MapScript
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Compiling MapScript
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] pointshape zoom / highlite
Peter Brack
- [mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript dynamic lbrary error (fwd)
- [mapserver-users] newbie question for using DBRM datas issued from a mapServer Quer y
André Géraldine
- [mapserver-users] sym2img
Brian Fischer
- [mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript dynamic lbrary error (fwd)
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] WAP
- [mapserver-users] Postprocessing images
Lyndon Zimmermann
- [mapserver-users] "zoom to" and "highlite"
Grégory Huchon
- [mapserver-users] WAP
Grzegorz Myrda
- [mapserver-users] MApserver Demoapplication (fwd)
- [mapserver-users] Need TAB files for testing
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] PROJ support for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] PHP Truetype
- [mapserver-users] PROJ support for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] PROJ support for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Dashed Polylines?
- [mapserver-users] Classifying Rasters
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Problems with PHP module.
Beau Gunderson
- [mapserver-users] Classifying Rasters
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Undefined symbol error
Lyndon Zimmermann
- [mapserver-users] Problems with PHP module.
Chris Faulhaber
- [mapserver-users] PROJ support for Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area
Joel Schlagel
- [mapserver-users] mapserver + flash
Ben-Nes Michael
- [mapserver-users] Problems with PHP module. (fwd)
- [mapserver-users] file format (FWD)
- [mapserver-users] mapserver + flash
Stephen Lime
- [mapserver-users] Is PHP3 support still required? (was: Problems with PHP module.)
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] symbol.sym for mapserv 3.4
Janet Ciavarelli
- [mapserver-users] file format (FWD)
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] No Map
Nathan Froseth
- [mapserver-users] Dummy layer setup (fwd)
- [mapserver-users] Problems with PHP module.
Beau Gunderson
- [mapserver-users] Is PHP3 support still required? (was: Problems with PHP module.)
Beau Gunderson
- [mapserver-users] Is PHP3 support still required? (was: Problems with PHP module.)
Beau Gunderson
- [mapserver-users] Problems with using demo and newer GD/newer Mapserver (And solutions)
Beau Gunderson
- [mapserver-users] mapserver demo and some code
Robert W. Burgholzer
- [mapserver-users] object
bertha amalia serrato de la cruz
- [mapserver-users] Need TAB files for testing
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Problems with all Mapscript components.
Beau Gunderson
Last message date:
Sat Jun 30 13:38:27 PDT 2001
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:03 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).