[mapserver-users] annotation in legend

Sabine Ackermann ackermann_s at gmx.de
Wed Jun 20 15:43:32 EDT 2001

Hi everybody,

no panic, I solved my last problem with the annotation (after hours in
front of my computer...). But I`ve some problems with annotation and
really hope, taht anybody can help me:

Is it possible to figure an annotation (the gif-file) in the legend?

At the moment I have the annotation (that´s good!) and the textlable
at the same time. But actually, I don`t want to have any text
displayed in the map but only the annotation (for this layer). I think
it has to do with the lableitem, or? But always when I delete it,
nothing is displayed. Can I maybe define the textlable as transparent?

Sorry for my stupid questions. I`m working hard... and I hope it`ll
get better...

Thanks a lot!
Best regards!

Sabine Ackermann                            mailto:ackermann_s at gmx.de

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