[mapserver-users] [Q] Relation of .shp, .dbf, and .gif | .tif files

Roderick A. Anderson raanders at tincan.org
Fri Jun 15 20:38:33 EDT 2001

On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, Thorsten Fischer wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> > This is probably way below the level of support people on this list are
> > providing but I got to ask.
> To help you get this thing up and running, there is no level too low
> ;-)


[Lots of very good information snipped out]

> You might want to read the documentation on the mapserver website
> and dig your way through the example package ms_demo.tar.gz.

I must have been thinking too fast but I didn't really see what I think
of as documentation.  (This is not a negative comment but rather I
found myself jumping from topic to topic.  The documentation also
assumes a better knowledge of the GIS technology than I have.)
  But I have been through an install and actually got a compile to
complete.  Installed the demo - several months ago - but haven't been
back to it for awhile.  Gone through the tutorial also.
   These questions came up as I realized my primary data source is
probably gone for the summer - he teaches at university - and I wanted 
to get a semi-real version running.  I'll probably be trying to create
or 'find' the .shp, .shx, and .dbf files so wanted to be clear on what I

This will be a chance for me to create a real-newbie tutorial or howto
as I discover what it takes to get this going.  This will be for someone
that wants to put up interactive maps but has very little GIS
experience.  A check list of what is needed and what to consider as they
are determining those needs etc.

Again thanks for the explanations.  I'll probably be back with some more
questions to clairfy my somewhat(?) fuzzy knowledge.

                 Remove the word 'try' from your vocabulary ... 
                     Don't try.  Do it or don't do it ...
                                Steers try!

                                                            Don Aslett

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