[mapserver-users] still some problems with the annotation function
Sabine Ackermann
ackermann_s at gmx.de
Sat Jun 16 03:01:55 PDT 2001
Hi everybody,
first of all I want to thank everyone for helping me with my last
problems of configuring mapserver.
(I've got several layers to display (polygone, line and point). When
I activate one of my line layers, it is diplayed correctly on the map.
But when I press teh refresh-button for the second time it is not still
activated and therefor not diplayed. How can I change this?
-- This was only a stupid reading-mistake. There was an error in my
html-file so it couldn`t work. But know it does! Fine!)
My second problem unfortunately still exists. I don`t know how to use
the annotation function for displaying a gif-file instead of a point
(from a point layer). I have a point layer (sbahnstation) with a .dbf,
.shx and .shp file. In this point layer should be three different
points defined, and for each point should be displayed the (same gif)
symbol for the station.
When I open the dbf-file in the first column there is the information
that it is a point layer, in the second column is the id (for each row
it is 0) and in the third column I put the sbahnstation (sbahnstati)
in the header 8it is also 0 for each row). Actually, I think that this
is strange but I don`t know what to put in this file...
When I start mapserver, I don`t get any error-massages any longer but
it isn`t displayed any station (even not in the legend).
I would be really happy if anybody could help me. Thank you very much!
Lots of greetings & a nice weekend!
Sabine Ackermann mailto:ackermann_s at gmx.de
I attached my demo.map and my sbahnstation.dbf. Maybe it will help...
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