[mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux

Ballard,Lowell LBallard at YesVirginia.org
Wed Jun 13 15:16:36 EDT 2001

Sorry I forgot to mention that:

The SDE Server is 8.0.2 so if you haven't had a chance to update the server
the 8.1 client still works for the limited things I've done.

-----Original Message-----
From: Doyon, Jean-Francois [mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:56 AM
To: 'Robert Aldridge'
Cc: 'mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu'
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux

This is very good to know!

Whenever I get around to it, I may end up with a similar setup ... (Bigger
web server though, but similar network topology and SDE Server).

One question though, what version of the SDE Server exactly ? Is it 8.1 as
well ?

I hope on using the SDE Linux Client libs with an 8.0.2 server ... Anybody
tried that yet?


> ----------
> From: 	Ballard,Lowell[SMTP:LBallard at YesVirginia.org]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, June 13, 2001 10:49 AM
> To: 	'Robert Aldridge'
> Cc: 	'mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu'; Stuart Rich
> (sturich at stgeorgeconsulting.com); 'Smith, Michael'
> Subject: 	RE: [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux
> Things seem to be working fine on Redhat 7.0 on Intel.  I'm using the 8.1
> SDE client libraries talking to SDE with Oracle 8.1.6 on a SUN E4500
> running
> Solaris 7.  
> Just as a quick test I looked at the response of 2 layers of the same data
> (1 local shapefile and one remote in SDE).  This first test used a very
> small data set (~1000 polys).  The response was slower using SDE (about 1
> second for local file and 2 seconds for remote SDE Layer).
> I then tried I very large SDE contour layer (~1.3 million lines).  I was
> amazed.  The line SDE layer displayed very rapidly (1-2 seconds depending
> on
> # of features to be drawn).  I didn't try to use the file-based data
> (i.e.,
> coverage) so I don't have any comparisons for that but, based on my
> experience with medium-sized shape files, SDE would smoke it.  It's
> composed
> of 3 coverages which are about 3.6GB total in size.  I might try to crank
> them into a single shapefile if I have time but...ArcInfo (32bit app)
> doesn't like the big files-- that's why it's in 3 coverages currently.
> The results were very promising.  For CPU Utilization I was seeing a max
> of
> about 50% CPU usage for the 1 second or so it took to draw the SDE Layer
> when the amount of features being drawn was intense (contours for highly
> mountainous regions zoomed out probably too far).  Once I zoomed in on the
> data set to a more reasonable viewing extent CPU utilization dropped
> significantly (4-8% for about 1 second or less).
> The web server is a pitiful Pentium III 500 MHz, 256 MB RAM, Dell Optiplex
> running through 100mbs across 2 100mbs switches on the network then into a
> GB switch to a GB interface on the SUN box.  SDE is running in RAID 5 on
> StorEdge disk array (dual fiber connected to E4500) using Fibre-Channel
> drives at 10k rpms.
> Mapserver was built from the Nightly-build using this configure line:
> ./configure --with-sde-version=81 --with-sde=../sdeexe81/
> --with-gd=/usr/local/src/gd-1.8.4
> Here's the Layer line:
>   NAME contours
>   CONNECTION "matoaka,esri_sde,gisdb,data,<PASSWORD>"
>   DATA "contours_10m,shape"
>   MAXSCALE 20000
>   LABELITEM "contour"
>   HEADER contour.html
>     NAME "Contours"
>     COLOR 200 36 43
>     TEMPLATE contour.html
>     LABEL
>       SIZE 8
>       MINSIZE 2
>       MAXSIZE 8
>       COLOR 200 36 43
>       BACKGROUNDCOLOR 245 240 219
>       MINDISTANCE 50
>       POSITION lr
>       FONT tahoma
>       BUFFER 1
>     END
>   END
> This map service is not publicly accessible yet but will be soon on the
> address below.
> Lowell Ballard
> Unix/Database Administrator
> Virginia Economic Development Partnership
> 901 E. Byrd St., Richmond, Va. 23218
> http://gis.vedp.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Aldridge [mailto:bamarob55 at yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 10:17 AM
> To: Stephen Lime; MapServer_Users
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] ESRI SDE and Linux
> Steve,
> I downloaded the nightly build this morning.  I
> configured it with:
> ./configure --with-sde-version=81
> --with-gd=../gd-1.8.4 --with-php=../php-4.0.5
> --with-ttf=../freetype-2.0.1 --without-jpeg
> --without-eppl
> Everything appears to go fine.  I do a make and once
> again everything appears OK.  I then copy the mapserv
> binary to my cgi-bin directory and it doesn't work.  I
> kept my old binary around and it works fine.  The only
> difference between the two is the
> --with-sde-version=81.
> This is a Mandrake 7.0 system that has the SDE client
> installed.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Robert Aldridge
> --- Stephen Lime <steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us> wrote:
> > Ok, I just committed changes that allow you to:
> > 
> >   - set the SDE version you want to compile against
> > using the configure option --with-sde-version=xx
> > where the version number is 80, 81 or whatever
> > 
> >   - compile on Linux against the SDE 8.1 client
> > libraries
> > 
> > I've compiled things on Solaris 2.6 and Redhat 6.2.
> > I've not tested the code on Linux, just Solaris.
> > I'll let you folks give it a shot.
> > 
> > Anyway, nab the CVS version or the latest nightly to
> > get at this new code.
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > 
> > Stephen Lime	
> > Internet Applications Analyst
> > 
> > Minnesota DNR
> > 500 Lafayette Road
> > St. Paul, MN 55155
> > 651-297-2937
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