[mapserver-users] shp and associate files

Ben-Nes Michael miki at canaan.co.il
Sun Jun 17 10:33:32 EDT 2001

Hi All

While trying to understand the ESRI SHAPE file I came with the next line
from ESRI document about shp file.

"attributes records in the DBASE file must be in the same order as records
in the main file."

Doest it mean that if there are 90 elements in the .shp file there must be
90 rows in .dbf file ?

and the row 45 in the .dbf file must be the row that describe the element
which is in the 45 location in the .shp file ?

if not, how what tie a record to its attribute ?

Canaan Surfing Ltd.
Internet Service Providers
Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
Tel: 972-4-6991122

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