[mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Jun 19 10:17:38 EDT 2001

You can use MapScript and one of the various DBase modules to 
create shapefiles without commercial software. MapScript contains
classes and methods to create shapefiles and to add points and/or
shapes to them. You can manage attribute information with a DBase
module, I use XBase.pm. You can not edit shapes in place, you have
to create a new file. You can however edit attributes in place.

Your second question can be handled using the MapServer CGI, simple
queries and a backend DBase edit script. The process would be:

  - user pans/zooms to the area of interest
  - user clicks on the feature of interest ininitiating a simple point query
  - the query template is a form that calls the the external DBase editing script
  - the template is populated with the values of the selected feature

Changing information and submitting it changes the attributes of the 
shapefile. The DBase script is really pretty trivial. It just needs to identify
the right record and update some values. A very doable application.


>>> "Ben-Nes Michael" <miki at canaan.co.il> 06/18/01 03:43AM >>>
Hi All

I just wonder is there are other ways to create SHAPE files then using
ArcView ?
I mean, How can I accomplish update the .dbf files on line ?

to be more clear lets say I want to show mall map online and let the admin
to change the information of polygons ( like stores area ) online by let him
click on the area he want to update which will lead to form filled with the
current info and a button to update.

can I do it ?

if so can I use postgresql with php ?

Canaan Surfing Ltd.
Internet Service Providers
Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
Tel: 972-4-6991122

Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

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