[mapserver-users] Newbie Q.

Ben-Nes Michael miki at canaan.co.il
Thu Jun 7 07:17:13 EDT 2001

Hi All

Im really new to GIS and after I read the documents I still have Q. which
are common knowledge.

Can Any one please describe me how to create shp file ? ( or where to read
about it ? )

I installed mapserver and Grass and tried few tutorials in both of them, I
generally thought of updating the files through grass and show them with
And when I mean update I mean through web interface.

Is it possible ?
I would also like to update my map files using db and I don't really know if
its possible and how.

Any direction or hints will be happily accepted
Thanks in Advance :)

Canaan Surfing Ltd.
Internet Service Providers
Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
Tel: 972-4-6991122

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