[mapserver-users] MrSID Format

Ballard,Lowell LBallard at YesVirginia.org
Mon Jun 18 10:49:40 EDT 2001

Are there any plans to incorporate MrSID-compressed
(http://www.lizardtech.com <http://www.lizardtech.com/> ) image support into
Mapserv?  I saw a few people mention it on the archives site but...not sure
what became of it.
SDE at 8.1 supports MrSID, as I understand it, so that would be a possible
solution.  However, they can't store MrSID natively and basically uncompress
MrSID and recompress using LZW or something (~ 4:1 compression) so.....the
storage benefits disappear at that point.
We distribute the entire state of Virginia's DOQQs (http://gis.vedp.org
<http://gis.vedp.org/> ) in MrSID format using their Image Server product
<http://www.lizardtech.com/cgi-bin/products/desc.pl?tsb=25718> ) which runs
on Linux etc. but is not completely Open-Source.  These data are on the same
box as our Mapserver instance and it would be nice to tie it all together.
I'm sure there are license issues with MrSID support being rolled in and I'm
curious if anyone has explored this?
Lowell Ballard
Unix/Database Administrator
Virginia Economic Development Partnership
901 E. Byrd St., Richmond, Va. 23218
http://gis.vedp.org <http://gis.vedp.org/> 
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