[mapserver-users] GMAP php demo

Janet Ciavarelli Jciavarelli at city.kamloops.bc.ca
Wed Jun 13 16:39:21 EDT 2001

   I am trying to get the GMAP php demo going. I've followed all the install instructions. When I go to run it, I get all of the following dumped out to my window. And then underneath of all this is the correct template consisting of the legend, keymap, the map,etc, but the map is not being drawn. Does anyone know what might be the cause of this?

extent->maxx - $gpoMap->extent->minx)/10; $dfTmpDeltaY = ($gpoMap->extent->maxy - $gpoMap->extent->miny)/10; // For now, we disable the 10% buffer until we get new data $dfTmpDeltaX = 0; $dfTmpDeltaY = 0; $dfMapExtMinX = $gpoMap->extent->minx; $dfMapExtMinY = $gpoMap->extent->miny; $dfMapExtMaxX = $gpoMap->extent->maxx; $dfMapExtMaxY = $gpoMap->extent->maxy; $dfMaxExtMinX = $gpoMap->extent->minx - $dfTmpDeltaX; $dfMaxExtMinY = $gpoMap->extent->miny - $dfTmpDeltaY; $dfMaxExtMaxX = $gpoMap->extent->maxx + $dfTmpDeltaX; $dfMaxExtMaxY = $gpoMap->extent->maxy + $dfTmpDeltaY; $gpoQueryResults = ""; GMap75CheckClick(); $gszCommand = $HTTP_FORM_VARS["CMD"]; if ( sizeof($gszCommand) == 0) { $gszCommand = "ZOOM_IN"; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* swich between the rosa java applet and simple html for */ /* zooming and querying. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (strlen($HTTP_FORM_VARS["PREVIOUS_MODE"])==0) $gbIsHtmlMode = 0; // Start with Java On by default else $gbIsHtmlMode = intval($HTTP_FORM_VARS["PREVIOUS_MODE"]); if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS[JavaOn_x]) $gbIsHtmlMode = 0; if ($HTTP_FORM_VARS[JavaOff_x]) $gbIsHtmlMode = 1; function IsHtmlMode() { GLOBAL $gbIsHtmlMode; return $gbIsHtmlMode; } ?> 

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