so lost. ..

Drew drish at
Sun Jun 24 10:38:28 EDT 2001

Hi everyone, I'm a complete newbie, so bear with me. I've got mapserv installed correctly, it says "No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty. "

Now, what I want to do, is supply a gif or jpg, and add points on a map, with labels, via coordinates.

I have a gif, and I know the 4 corners of the gif's coordinates, in the format of -37.xxxx, 144.xxxx etc. 

I looked through the docs and I'm still lost, so what I want to know is what to pass to the mapserv url to have it show the map, and what to pass to add labels and points based on coordinates, and how to "zoom" to other maps with the same points on it.

Thanks much
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