[mapserver-users] Is PHP3 support still required? (was: Problems with PHP module.)

Beau Gunderson bludwulf at crackrock.net
Thu Jun 28 17:18:09 EDT 2001

> What would be the impact on the users if we dropped support for PHP3 for
> MapScript and supported only PHP4 in MapServer 3.5?  Are there still
> lots of users of PHP3/MapScript that could not make the switch to PHP4
> the day they upgrade to MapServer 3.5?

I'm sure many would benefit from the use of PHP4's extension config code.
I doubt that many of the sites would mind upgrading to PHP4 anyways, as
installing mapscript requires a recompile of PHP4 anyways. I usually use
Apache Toolbox to compile my server; if mapscript-php used PHP4 extension
configuration code, support could be added to it in Apache Toolbox, thus
making it easier to compile for everyone. =)

(Apache Toolbox is at http://www.apachetoolbox.com)

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