[mapserver-users] off-topic - Apache and MapObjects IMS

Chad Nielsen cnielsen at co.tillamook.or.us
Thu Jun 7 15:01:41 EDT 2001

We would like to switch from IIS to Apache, but we've gots some MOIMS apps
that we need to keep around until we replace them with Mapserver apps. Can
anyone tell me if MOIMS will work ok with Apache on NT4.


Chad M. Nielsen, GIS Programmer/Analyst
Tillamook County Performance Partnership (TCPP)
Tillamook Coastal Watershed Resource Center (TCWRC)

  GIS:   http://gisweb.co.tillamook.or.us
 TCPP:   http://www.co.tillamook.or.us/countygovernment/Estuary/homepage.htm
TCWRC:   http://www.tcwrc.org

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