[mapserver-users] e00 to shp

Gerry Creager N5JXS gerry at cs.tamu.edu
Thu Jun 14 06:09:56 PDT 2001

Please forgive a newbie question, but I'm coming back to Mapserver after
a work-enforced hiatus... work keeps getting in the way of the fun

Is there a reasonable method of conversion of ESRI e00 files to Shape
files for normal MapServer use in the Linux world, or will MapServer now
deal directly with e00's?

Thanks, Gerry
Gerry Creager -- gerry at cs.tamu.edu
Network Engineering			|Research focusing on
Academy for Advanced Telecommunications |Satellite Geodesy and 
and Learning Technologies		|Geodetic Control
Texas A&M University	979.458.4020  (Phone) -- 979.847.8578  (Fax)

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