[mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.

Ben-Nes Michael miki at canaan.co.il
Mon Jun 18 10:27:11 EDT 2001

What about this way ?

Maybe mapscript + making small C programs that use shp lib in such way that
1. query map with mapscript to return ID, if not capable by mapscript, write
Small C prog using shplib
2. retrieve, show & update using php4 DBASE function.

This looks promising and not so difficult, just have to be careful because
php4 doesn't support DBASE locking.

Canaan Surfing Ltd.
Internet Service Providers
Ben-Nes Michael - Manager
Tel: 972-4-6991122

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thorsten Fischer" <frosch at cs.tu-berlin.de>
To: "Ben-Nes Michael" <miki at canaan.co.il>
Cc: "mapserver" <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] create map, newbie Q.

> Ben-Nes,
> > to be more clear lets say I want to show mall map online and let the
> > to change the information of polygons ( like stores area ) online by let
> > click on the area he want to update which will lead to form filled with
> > current info and a button to update.
> > if so can I use postgresql with php?
> Unfortunately, MapServer is lacking such an application backend (or do
> you want to call it administration frontend?) at the moment. If you have
> need of such a thing, you will have to program it yourself. If you want to
> use it via web browser, php and some database -- postgres, mysql, you name
> it -- will do the job. Oracle and postgresql have some (limited) ability
> to store spatial data, afaik, the latter by using self-defined data
> types, which could be helpful.
> Maybe the guys at DM Solutions already work on such a thing? We at
> MapMedia started some outlining (read: thinking) of such a tool,
> unfortunately we don't have the manpower to implement it.
> thorsten
> --
> thorsten fischer : thfischer (at) mapmedia (dot) de

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