[mapserver-users] (PHP) MapScript: mapfile->zoom to location->get shapes

Martin Kokes martin.kokes at gplus.cz
Tue Jun 5 10:14:42 EDT 2001


I just would to ask anybody, if is it possible to use MapScript as a
interface between shapefile and any vector format (probably SVG or Ming).
All I want to do is:
1. create MapObj
2. zoomrectangle/zoomscale/zoompoint
3. get all "zoomed" ShapeObj <- here's my problem
4. get all LineObj -> PointObj

I'm able to create SVG file via ShapefileObj->ShapeObj...., but I want
display (generate) only zoomed shapes (not parse full 1 MB shapefile - it is
too slow). To tell the truth, I'm not very well oriented in the object model
tree of MapScript.

Any suggestions would be great.

Martin Kokes

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