Lurker strikes! Example sites?

Roderick A. Anderson raanders at
Thu Mar 1 00:07:38 EST 2001

I've just got the go ahead to build an demonstration application using
MapServer.  Not the next hardest part is building it.  I've been lurking
on this list (I don't remember making a fool of myself here anyway) for
several months hoping to absorb some knowledge.  The truth now comes out
you got to try it to learn how to do it.  But since this is a pretty
simple first project I was hoping someone might have a very similar
application already and would be willing to share their files.

The project is to provide online maps (go figure) of public internet
access locations for Spokane County, Washington, USA.  We'll add mass
transit (bus stops) information so those needing access can get their
without owning a motor vehicle.

If I understand correctly how MapServer works I can use ArcInfo shape
files for the base map; streets etc.  Then I need other shape files to be
used as layers (or can they be in the main file) to hold the access
locations and bus stops.
   I'm also a little fuzzy on whether I have to have the same area - the
county - in many different files of if MapServer can use one file and zoom
in to portions of it.  E.g. a map of the United States and zoom to a state
(perhaps showing the location of the state capital) or 49 files one of the
US and one for each of the states.

Enough rambling.  If this makes sense and/or anyone has the time to reply
it will be appreciated.  For now I off to read the docs and get MapServer
install and configured.


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