Problems with the Zoom Function of the PHP MapScript Module

Christian Fuerpasz fuerp at
Wed Mar 7 01:53:17 PST 2001

Hello everybody!

In my  Application there appears a problem in the Zoom Function in one
special Case, otherwise it  works  correct.

I use the Mapserver 3.3.011, PHP Mapscript from DM Solutions and also
the the Rosa Applet.
When i use the zoom function it works almost correctly. I can use it by
a single click or by drawing a Rectangle. Its not allowed to zoom in
more then specified in the .map file. But this works only in the middle
of the Map.

When you use the Zoom Button and Zoom in with drawing a small rectangle
very near the border of the Map i get a map in the bigest scale (which
should be correct) but with the Mapextends outside the specified
Now i can see the background which should never be seen. When i use now
the pan function in this black (from me in the .map file defined)
background the map is replaced correctly so that the border of the map
is the border of the image.

In all other Functions the Zoom Function works correctly.

I think the Solution of this “Problem” can found in the PHP Map Script
but I
would be happy if you can give me some hints to develop a fast solution.

An other Problem with the ROSA Applet is, that if you draw a Rectangle
first Click in the Map than move the mouse outside the Map and than
the Mouse Button you will get a Map which should not been drawn in this
way. I
tried to correct this, by setting the coordinates of the maxx and maxy
to the
maxextends of the Map but than I could suddenly zoom in over the given
Scale which should also not appear.

Also in this Point I hope to get some help from you.

Thank you for your time.

With best regards

Christian Fuerpasz

Institut fuer Geographie der Universitaet Wien
   Kartografie und Geoinformation

Deptartment of Geography and Regional Science
   University of Vienna
   Cartography and GIS

  Tel:            (+43 1) 4277 48658
  Fax:            (+43 1) 4277 48649
  E-Mail:       mailto:fuerp at
  Snail-Mail: Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA


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