Problems with the Zoom Function of the PHP MapScript Module

Christian Fuerpasz fuerp at
Thu Mar 8 04:08:29 PST 2001


Assefa Yewondwossen wrote:

>  I added a new optional parameter for the zoomrectangle function so you can
> specify the maximum extents allowed when you are zooming :
>  eg :
>     $oGeorefMaxExt->setextent($dfMaxExtMinX, $dfMaxExtMinY,
>                                               $dfMaxExtMaxX, $dfMaxExtMaxY);
>       $gpoMap->zoomrectangle($oPixelRect, $dfWidthPix,  $dfHeightPix,
> $oGeorefExt, $oGeorefMaxExt);

I have installed the nightly build and saw in the source code the changed parts.
Thank you.
But i have a Problem in running the Map File. I get an Error code at Loadlayer()
QUERYITEM definition.

Have there been changes in the Map File definition sine 3.3.011?

Institut fuer Geographie der Universitaet Wien
   Kartografie und Geoinformation

Deptartment of Geography and Regional Science
   University of Vienna
   Cartography and GIS

  Tel:            (+43 1) 4277 48658
  Fax:            (+43 1) 4277 48649
  E-Mail:       mailto:fuerp at
  Snail-Mail: Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA


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