for a beginner : How tu use mapServer with .shp/dbf, Java and 8i

Speh Sylvain sylvain.speh at
Wed Mar 14 03:03:16 EST 2001

Hi everybody.

I am a student who just came in the list and tries to cope with GIS and

I am looking for
	* "how to use mapServer", but quite explicatively, more than the
mapServer tutorial indeed
	* Java code for helping me in such a way ( the other languages are
not welcome )
	* informations about mapServer and the Oracle 8i Spatial Cartridge (
a look at the forum wasn't enough ) and shapelib_1_2_8 have been downloaded, but only the demo has
been implemented yet.

So, may I have some help or some information for :
	* giving me, or telling me where to find more code,
	* using Access and/or Oracle ( with or without SC ),
	* using .shp and .dbf files ( I only have the files w/o ESRI
products )

that would be great

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