gmap demo : Fatal error: Object expected as argument. in /home/ii/mapserver/gmap/htdocs/gmap75.php3 on line 696

Daniel Morissette morissette at
Tue Mar 13 20:02:51 EST 2001

This is a follow-up on a bug with MapScript with PHP4.0.4 that was
posted a few weeks ago:

Angus D Madden wrote:
>  When I first load gmap75.phtml, everything runs
> fine, the images are created, and the applet loads.  However, as soon as
> I click on anything, I get the following error:
> Fatal error: Object expected as argument. in
> /home/ii/mapserver/gmap/htdocs/gmap75.php3 on line 696

There was indeed a bug that will cause random instability in MapScript
v3.4 compiled with PHP 4 ... the fix will be part of the next 3.5
release, but I have seen a few messages on the list about odd behaviors
with PHP4 MapScript and while I'm not 100% sure I suspect that some of
them may be related to this.

So if you are running PHP4/MapScript with v3.4 and noticed intermittent
crashes or the above error message, then it might be a good idea to
patch your  (Note that this bug was for PHP4 only...
PHP3 is fine)

The fix is to add a ZVAL_ADDREF() call at the end of the PHP4 version of
_phpms_add_property_object() in php_mapscript_util.c, around line 545:

    *(*phandle) = *pObjToAdd;

    return 0;

 Daniel Morissette                morissette at
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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