vector data

andréas m. winter winter at
Wed Mar 28 01:42:57 EST 2001

just new to the list and not running mapserver yet, THIS is one of the
most inmportant questions to be answered.

i would ask more precisely: is there any output of the server imaginable
that takes place BEFORE rastering and that could be used instead of the
raster? or the other way round: does the clipping take place before or
after teh merging of layers inside mapserver?

thanks for any hints,


andréas m. winter - freytag & berndt
content management - new media & internet
austria a1230 wien brunner str 69
tel +43.1.869.90.90.38
fax +43.1.869.90.90.62
mailto:winter at

Thomas Bauer wrote:

> Hi,
> can MAPSERVER create vector data (DXF, SVG, ... ) from a *.map file?
> Thomas

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