vector data

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Wed Mar 28 10:57:30 EST 2001

Yes. Drawing is essentially just extra work after doing a spatial query. So queries
give you access to the raw shapes. You could optionally clip and convert them
to image coordinates. Note this level of access would have to involve MapScript.
Currently, MapScript supports shapefile output but with access to the raw vector
data just about anything goes. We are currently working to add GML output as

Clipping uses an algorithm suitable for scanline conversion (i.e. drawing) and is
done just before a shape is drawn.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "andréas m. winter" <winter at> 03/28/01 12:42AM >>>
just new to the list and not running mapserver yet, THIS is one of the
most inmportant questions to be answered.

i would ask more precisely: is there any output of the server imaginable
that takes place BEFORE rastering and that could be used instead of the
raster? or the other way round: does the clipping take place before or
after teh merging of layers inside mapserver?

thanks for any hints,


andréas m. winter - freytag & berndt
content management - new media & internet
austria a1230 wien brunner str 69
tel +43.1.869.90.90.38
fax +43.1.869.90.90.62
mailto:winter at 

Thomas Bauer wrote:

> Hi,
> can MAPSERVER create vector data (DXF, SVG, ... ) from a *.map file?
> Thomas

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