[mapserver-users] Freetype 1 or Freetype 2 on Redhat 7.2?

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon Nov 5 13:21:57 EST 2001

In 3.5, Freetype support is compiled into GD and that's where the MapServer
looks for it. Freetype 1 is recomended.

In older versions you must use Freetype 1. I thought configure wouldn't even
look for Freetype 2 so you just have to do --with-ttf=... correctly. Worse case
is you have to tweak the Makefile by hand.


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "Jim Palma" <jpalma at donahue.umassp.edu> 11/05/01 11:17AM >>>
When trying to compile Mapserver 3.3.011 on a RedHat 7.2 system with
Freetype 2.0.3-7, configure could not find freetype.h.  I searched my
system and found that I have two freetype.h files, one in
/usr/include/freetype/freetype1 and one in
/usr/include/freetype/freetype2.  This was confusing, so I visited the
freetype web site and found that they distribute what seems like two
versions of freetype, 1 and 2.  So, which one do I use?  And how do I
get configure to look there?

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