[mapserver-users] Line labeling
Alexander Pucher
pucher at atlas.gis.univie.ac.at
Wed Nov 7 05:03:36 PST 2001
in one of our mapserver-applications, we tried to label line objects of
a city map - no problem. We use a truetype font, autorotate and a
minFeatureSize. The problem is, that the line segments of main streets
between 2 side streets are often too short, so the main street is not
labeled at all. Small side streets, which are longer than minFeatureSize
get labeled!
Any idea, how we get the streets labeled in a correct way, let's say by
Institut fuer Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universität Wien
Kartografie und Geoinformation
Departement of Geography and Regional Research
University of Vienna
Cartographie and GIS
Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA
Tel: (+43 1) 4277 48644
Fax: (+43 1) 4277 48649
E-mail: pucher at atlas.gis.univie.ac.at
FTP: ftp://ftp.gis.univie.ac.at
WWW: http://www.gis.univie.ac.at/karto
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