Mapserver ArcView Utility

Peter Brimacombe brimacombep at
Sat Nov 24 14:58:54 EST 2001

I have a demo up and running on NT but I need help setting up an
application named stoniness.

Apache is installed on NT at D:\program files\apache group\apache which
the directories bin, cgi-bin, conf and htdocs
htdocs in turn contains ms_demo and stoniness

On unix there are two coverages at /home/peter/mapserver/nsd005, they
are stoniness and hydroutm,  Samba is running on unix, /home/peter on
unix is mapped to H: on NT.

I need help with setting the default file, here is what I have tried
thedefwebroot=d:/program files/apache group/apache    (which is what is
in the apache config)
thedefimagepath=d:/program files/apache group/apache/htdocs/tmp (the
demo is writting files to this directory)
thedefmapserverexe=d:/program files/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv

are forward slashes okay?

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