[mapserver-users] ArcIMS Gateway

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Mon Oct 1 12:09:30 PDT 2001

Ed McNierney wrote:
> Is this what ESRI uses on the Geography Network?  They claim to support
> WMS servers as Geography Network participants, but I (a) can't find any
> and (b) can't quite figure them out since I can't find any WMS support
> in ESRI *clients*.  This would *seem* to indicate the existence of a
> translator going the other way, as you ask.

Hmmm, I suppose they could have an IMS->WMS connector as well, but it
certainly is not in the public domain. I have started perl'ing on this,
and it is already showing up some interesting quirks in Arc8 (if your
connector returns ArcXML with an 'encoding' tag, the connection fails
automatically... nice XML parsing, guys). Thank goodness for ngrep :)

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