[mapserver-users] ArcIMS Gateway

Kieran J. Ames kames at keyspanenergy.com
Mon Oct 1 12:12:10 PDT 2001

I went to the NEARC meeting in Worcester last week. An ESRI representative
told me that in ARCGis8.1, one can add a data layer from a url. HOWEVER,
that URL must be an ArcIMS server.

Ed McNierney wrote:

> Paul (or others) -
> Is this what ESRI uses on the Geography Network?  They claim to support
> WMS servers as Geography Network participants, but I (a) can't find any
> and (b) can't quite figure them out since I can't find any WMS support
> in ESRI *clients*.  This would *seem* to indicate the existence of a
> translator going the other way, as you ask.
>         - Ed
> Ed McNierney
> Chief Mapmaker
> TopoZone.com
> ed at topozone.com
> (978) 251-4242
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at refractions.net]
> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 12:40 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: [mapserver-users] ArcIMS Gateway
> Mapserverers,
>   We have started playing with ArcGIS 8.1 and were pleased and
> interested to note that it supports adding an "Internet Server" as a
> data layer. ESRI is certainly picking up the "distributed GIS" ball.
> There is, of course, one small catch: when ESRI says "internet server"
> they mean "ArcIMS server". :)
>   ESRI actually packages a little module with ArcIMS which sits in front
> of IMS and turns OGC Web Map Server requests into IMS-style requests.
> Basically a WMS emulator. I was thinking that it would be useful to have
> an emulator which does the reverse: sits in front of a WMS server and
> turns IMS-style requests into WMS requests -- an IMS emulator. That way
> people could use WMS servers for external data serving and still be able
> to add those WMS layers to ArcGIS projects.
>   So (1) has anyone already done this? and (2) does anyone see any
> notable pitfalls in doing so?
> Paul

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