[mapserver-users] XBase Question--adding columns to a .dbf file

klehr1 at tampabay.rr.com klehr1 at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Oct 3 13:14:49 EDT 2001

I'd like to add two columns to a current .dbf file using the XBase perl module.

Could someone provide me a small piece of code to accomplish this task.

I'm not sure of the syntax for XBase to grab a row, chop it into its fields, add 2 more fields to the array, repack it into the xbase format then write it to a new .dbf (say ARGV[1]).

i.e. in plain text file say tab delimited

if (!$ARGV[1])
  print "\n Invalid usage...Usage:  add_columns.pl CURRENTFILE NEWFILE\n";
open(INPUT, $ARGV[0]) || die "Could not open $ARGV[0]";
open(OUTPUT, ">$ARGV[1]");

  @fields = split(/\t/, $_);  # tab delimited data
  $fields[$#fields + 1] = "new data element 1";    # add an element to the array
  $fields[$#fields + 1] = "new data element 2";    # add another element
  print "@fields\n";
  $output_string = join "\t", @fields;
  print OUTPUT "$output_string\n";

I'd like to do the same with .dbfs (append two columns to the current .dbf)

Thank you
Steve Lehr
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