[mapserver-users] ms_newLayerObj (fwd)

teb teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
Mon Oct 8 07:50:05 PDT 2001

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From: Øyvind Idland <oyvind.idland at powelgemini.no>
To: <mapserver-info at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Subject: ms_newLayerObj
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 16:18:32 +0200
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I am currently testing Mapscript 3.4 with php 4.05, running as cgi under IIS.
Since I want to use points/objects from a database (via odbc), i want to create 
layers on the fly. For some reason, the layer refuses to draw.

I used following lines:

 $map = ms_newMapObj("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\oi\oi.map");
 $newlay = ms_newLayerObj($map);
 $newlay->set("name", "db_layer");
 $newlay->type = MS_LAYER_POINT;
 $newlay->status = MS_ON;
 $newclass = ms_newClassObj($newlay);
 $newclass->outlinecolor = 0;
 $newclass->symbol = 3;
 $newclass->size = 10;

and then the nessesary database / point adding stuff. 
(This works fine if I define the layer in the .map file)
There are already 2 other layers on the map, so this is the 3rd layer.
$map->numlayers returns 2, (there should be 3 ?) and $newlay->index returns 1.

Is this a bug ? :)

Anyway, thanks for a powerful tool.

Oyvind Idland,  Powel Gemini A/S
mailto:oyvind.idland at powelgemini.no

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