[mapserver-users] Hi,

Tim Sutton sutton_t at giug.net
Thu Oct 11 20:17:13 EDT 2001

Hi Dan

You probably won't get much help with your query because it contains
no spcific information, so it is not really clear what you want to
know. Try supplying some info like:

-your version of mapserver
-which platform you are running on (Linux / NT)
-relevant parts of your .map file
-relevant parts of your .php script if applicable
-exactly when your problem occurs
-exactly what the problem is

Good luck with your mapserving!


Tim Sutton

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Dan Liu wrote:

> Hi,
> I got a problem.The maps I created under same situation should be the same.But it is not.Does anybody know what is wrong?
> Thanks.
> Dan

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