[mapserver-users] ArcIMS Emulations

Tim Sutton sutton_t at giug.net
Tue Oct 16 04:14:07 EDT 2001


You can make that at least three people asking for PHP support :-)


On Mon, 15 Oct 2001, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> Brian Fischer wrote:
> >
> > Paul,
> >
> > Wow, it works great and it is blazin fast.  It works just like you are
> > connecting to Geography Network.  This adds a big selling point to
> > Mapserver.  It is hard sometimes to convince clients that MapServer is
> > the better choice over other IMS's.  This was one of the sticking points
> > that clients would bring up.  This is great news.  Would there be any
> > limitations to what OS this script could run on?  I run MapServer on
> > Windows.  I know Perl is not the popular choice of MapServer/MapScript
> > users that use Windows.  Is a port to PHP possible?
> Hmmm, that's two people now asking for PHP. I was going to do a re-write
> before moving onwards, to make the code cleaner. I will investigate PHP
> a bit, and see how good the XML handling is. Don't you people realize
> that Perl is God, and God is Perl?
> > Another thing I commonly run into is clients that store all their
> > imagery in Mr. Sid format.  I know there has been some discussion in the
> > past about the possibility of adding Mr. SID support to MapServer and
> > the conclusion was it would not be that easy to do.  Has anyone else
> > found a creative solution to convincing clients that have imagery stored
> > in Mr. SID to use MapServer over another IMS that supports Mr. SID
> > imagery?
> Pretty hard to convince them that they chose the wrong darn format :)
> There is a Mr.SID SDK and the LizardTech site says they welcome people
> adding SID format to their viewers for free. So even though it's a
> patented format, it could be added royalty free. Good coding project for
> someone (not me! :).

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