[mapserver-users] Mr.SID

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Oct 16 10:21:25 PDT 2001

I have chatted with them, and while they'd like to help it's just not in 
the cards for the foreseable future. Curiously the folks at ERMapper
and their ECW compression don't support non-Windows platforms 
either. Perhaps JPEG2000...


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Paul Ramsey <pramsey at refractions.net> 10/16/01 11:55AM >>>
The SDK web page for Mr.SID decoder is here:


As Stephen notes, they do not seem to currently support UNIX (the title
says "Solaris", but the body says "currently only available for
Windows"). I guess this is something a prospective developer could
followup on w/ lizardtech.

kenboss wrote:
> I don't think that MrSID's image server supports WMS, but it is scripted in
> Perl.  I would guess that it wouldn't be too hard to customize the image server
> a bit and then incorporate calls to both it and mapserver within a java applet.
> Or maybe it could be incorporated directly into the ArcIMS emulation bit...
> --Ken

> > On the Mr. SID issue. If someone can convince LizardTech to support platforms
> other than Windows then it will be supported, until then...
> >
> > You might be able to integrate Mr. Sid's image server into a MapServer
> application, especially if that product supported WMS.
> >
> > Steve
> >
> > Stephen Lime
> > Data & Applications Manager
> >

     | Paul Ramsey
     | Refractions Research
     | Email: pramsey at refractions.net 
     | Phone: (250) 885-0632

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