[mapserver-users] [Fwd: mapserver 3.3.011]

Jamie Smedsmo jsmedsmo at gis.umn.edu
Tue Oct 16 14:04:20 EDT 2001

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: mapserver 3.3.011
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 13:49:41 -0400
From: Françoise Guilbault <guilbaultf at EM.AGR.CA>
To: mdp at lists


We are considering running mapserver and need some information in order to setup the platform and dependent solftware.

It would be greatly appreciated, if you could provide the following information or direct me to a reliable source.

Will mapserver version 3.3.011 run on Red Hat Linux 6.1?
What version of apache do I need to install?
Any other relevant information?

Thank you in advance.

Francoise Guilbault
System administrator - UNIX
Agriculture & AgriFood Canada
K.W. Neatby bldg
guilbaultf at em.agr.ca

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