[mapserver-users] Differnet Quality Output of Text labels

Christian Fuerpasz fuerp at atlas.gis.univie.ac.at
Thu Oct 18 09:52:22 PDT 2001


Thank you for your answer, but the problem is, that i use the same application on 2 different server and get different results. The screenshot is only from the demo to make it more easy to compear the 2 versions. One thing, i didnt mention before was,
that the Version of Mapserver 3.4 on the first server is from februar this year and the second version is from last month. Can this be the difference?

By the way, i use on both servers antialiasing.
Hope this helps somehow....


Stephen Lime schrieb:

> Again this is because the GD/Freetype integration doesn't process un-antialiased text correctly. There is no fix short of hacking GD or getting the GD group patches that fix the problem. They are open to that but I've not had the time to create them.
> The best thing to do is to just use ANTIALIASing whenever you use TrueType fonts. Since the extra colors necessary are allocated at the end of rendering there is little impact on the actual output, nor is there much of a performance hit.
> Steve


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