[mapserver-users] Split large tiffs (topos) like TopoZone

Arthur, John John.Arthur at voicestream.com
Thu Oct 18 10:40:41 PDT 2001

I would like to use topo quads in my MapServer, but it would take forever to
export each quad from Delorme's 3D topoquads. So I exported large 150 mb
files instead.  Is there a way to split these up into smaller files or just
to display the large tiff in MapServer faster.  We would like something like
what TopoZone.com has (Mad props to you guys @ TopoZone.com), but layer our
own data on top.

John Arthur
RF Technician
Office:   (757) 490-7221
Cellular: (757) 692-1515
Email: john.arthur at voicestream.com
W I R E L E S S 

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