[mapserver-users] dynamic layer with color depending of an expression (under PHP) (FWD)
teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
Mon Oct 29 10:09:47 PST 2001
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From: "CATHIGNOL, Frederic" <Frederic.CATHIGNOL at astrium-space.com>
To: "'mapserver-info at lists.gis.umn.edu'" <mapserver-info at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Subject: dynamic layer with color depending of an expression (under PHP)
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 10:53:50 +0100
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2nd bid !
In fact I think that my first mail has not been practical to read with too
much information. I try to re-ask my question with a new look ! :
I have a problem to declare dynamic layer with color depending of expression
under php mapscript see below.
Please could you help me with an example...
I have tested first with a .map file : It works (you will see the code here
after) and then with a PHP script wich does not work (code is given after).
At execution of the script, it does not display the layer and if I want to
redraw the page, it has an error : (I think that mapserver crashed, and I
need to restart the apache server whith mapserver).
Warning: MapServer Error in msLoadMap(): (é):(0) in c:\my
program\easyphp\www\projet1\pactes-ess\htdocs\mapserv.phtml on line 60
(Rmq line 60 : $gpoMap = ms_newMapObj("pactes-def.map"); )
Fatal error: Failed to open map file pactes-def.map in c:\my
program\easyphp\www\projet1\pactes-ess\htdocs\mapserv.phtml on line 60
If you are curious, you have also the object results (in annexes) for both
cases (.map, and php script).
NAME numdep
EXPRESSION "Limite côtière"
COLOR 255 0 0 # dummy color
EXPRESSION "Limite de département"
COLOR 0 255 0 # dummy color
EXPRESSION "Limite de région"
COLOR 0 0 255 # dummy color
EXPRESSION "Limite frontalière"
COLOR 0 255 255 # dummy color
II) PHP script CODE
$layer = ms_newLayerObj($gpoMap);
$layer->set("type", MS_LAYER_LINE);
$layer->set("data", "lay2");
$layer->setMetaData("DESCRIPTION","Limites administratives des
$layer->set("classitem", "NATURE");
$fredclass = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$fredclass->setexpression("Limite de département");
$fredclass->set("color",10); /* Corresponding to a new color :
128,128,128 */
$fredclass = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$fredclass->setexpression("Limite côtière");
$fredclass->set("color",11); /* Corresponding to a new color :
64,0,128 */
$fredclass = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$fredclass->setexpression("Frontière internationale");
$fredclass->set("color",12); /* Corresponding to a new color :
128,128,64 */
$fredclass = ms_newClassObj($layer);
$fredclass->setexpression("Limite de région");
$fredclass->set("color",13); /* Corresponding to a new color :
64,128,128 */
The result object after execution is (by a print_r() of the variable) with
a .MAP file:
layer Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #28
[_map_handle_] => Resource id #8
[numclasses] => 4
[index] => 1
[status] => 1
[classitem] => NATURE
[name] => numdep
[group] =>
[type] => 1
[tolerance] => 3
[toleranceunits] => 6
[symbolscale] => -1
[minscale] => -1
[maxscale] => -1
[labelminscale] => -1
[labelmaxscale] => -1
[maxfeatures] => -1
[offsite] => -1
[transform] => 1
[labelcache] => 1
[postlabelcache] => 0
[labelitem] =>
[labelsizeitem] =>
[labelangleitem] =>
[tileitem] => location
[tileindex] =>
[header] =>
[footer] =>
[connection] =>
[connectiontype] => 1
[filteritem] =>
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #29
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #28
[name] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 4
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #30
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #31
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #28
[name] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 5
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #32
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #33
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #28
[name] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 6
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #34
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #35
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #28
[name] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 7
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #36
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
ANNEXE II : (result with PHP script)
At execution it gives with a print_r of the objects :
layer Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #70
[_map_handle_] => Resource id #8
[numclasses] => 4
[index] => 5
[status] => 1
[classitem] => NATURE
[name] => lay2
[group] =>
[type] => 1
[tolerance] => 3
[toleranceunits] => 6
[symbolscale] => -1
[minscale] => -1
[maxscale] => -1
[labelminscale] => -1
[labelmaxscale] => -1
[maxfeatures] => -1
[offsite] => -1
[transform] => 1
[labelcache] => 1
[postlabelcache] => 0
[labelitem] =>
[labelsizeitem] =>
[labelangleitem] =>
[tileitem] => location
[tileindex] =>
[header] =>
[footer] =>
[connection] =>
[connectiontype] => 1
[filteritem] =>
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #71
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #70
[name] => lay2o001
[type] => 1
[color] => 10
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #72
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #73
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #70
[name] => lay2o002
[type] => 1
[color] => 11
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #74
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #75
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #70
[name] => lay2o003
[type] => 1
[color] => 12
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #76
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
class Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #77
[_layer_handle_] => Resource id #70
[name] => lay2o004
[type] => 1
[color] => 13
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[overlaycolor] => -1
[overlaybackgroundcolor] => -1
[overlayoutlinecolor] => -1
[symbol] => 0
[size] => 1
[minsize] => 1
[maxsize] => 100
[symbolname] =>
[overlaysymbol] => -1
[overlaysize] => 1
[overlayminsize] => 1
[overlaymaxsize] => 100
[overlaysymbolname] =>
[template] =>
[label] => label Object
[_handle_] => Resource id #78
[font] =>
[type] => 1
[color] => 1
[outlinecolor] => -1
[shadowcolor] => -1
[shadowsizex] => 1
[shadowsizey] => 1
[backgroundcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowcolor] => -1
[backgroundshadowsizex] => 1
[backgroundshadowsizey] => 1
[size] => -1
[minsize] => 4
[maxsize] => 256
[position] => 8
[offsetx] => 0
[offsety] => 0
[angle] => 0
[autoangle] => 0
[buffer] => 0
[antialias] => -1
[wrap] => 10
[minfeaturesize] => -1
[autominfeaturesize] => 0
[mindistance] => -1
[partials] => 1
[force] => 0
As you can see it is nearly identical (colors changed)...
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