[mapserver-users] Add points to a online map? (FWD)

teb teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
Wed Oct 31 11:11:54 EST 2001

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X-Sender: tkogels at pop3.wish.nl
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:31:21 +0100
To: mapserver-info at lists.gis.umn.edu
From: Twan Kogels <twan at twansoft.com>
Subject: Add points to a online map?
Mime-Version: 1.0


My question is a short one:
Is it possible with mapserver (or with a extension) to let the user add 
points to a online map?

A example to illustrate my question:
We have a map of a region, this map is displayed online with the help of 
mapserver. On this map there are several user defined points which 
represent interesting places.

I saw in a example supplied with mapserver that it is possible to display 
specific information about a point, for example in a new window.

Is it possible that a visitor of our website adds a point to our online map 
and also add specific information about the point? Will this change (adding 
a point) be directly visible on the map?

- twan


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