[mapserver-users] ms_newLineObj()
Daniel Morissette
morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Oct 31 10:46:27 PST 2001
The line and shape objects seem to be created properly internally, it's
just that the $line->numpoints and $shape->numlines members are not
properly updated in the PHP wrapper. This is definietely a bug, but the
internal data structures should be fine and you should be able to use
them to write to a shapeFileObj or simply to draw the shapes on a map.
One more for our list I guess... I've filed it in bugzilla to make sure
it gets fixed: http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=69
BTW, seems like there is lots of good testing of MapServer and PHP
MapScript going on out there! :) Keep reporting bugs... not sure when
we'll be able to fix them all, but we're better find them now than after
an official 3.5 release!
Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
DM Solutions Group http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if
you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.
Jean-François MONY wrote:
> I have a little problem with the ms_newLineObj() command.
> As you can see below I create some points and the goal is to make a polygon
> with those points, then I create a line.
> With the print_r function I'm sure that the points are well created, but I
> can't create the line and I don't understand why.
> If somebody have an idea.
> I use mapserver 3.5 (nightly build from the begining of september) with php
> 4.05.
> Thanks, Jef
> =====
> <?
> session_start();
> require("../config.php");
> function split_string($sql, $delimiter)
> {
> $sql = trim($sql);
> $buffer = array();
> $ret = array();
> $in_string = false;
> for($i=0; $i<strlen($sql); $i++)
> {
> if($sql[$i] == $delimiter && !$in_string)
> {
> $ret[] = substr($sql, 0, $i);
> $sql = substr($sql, $i + 1);
> $i = 0;
> }
> if($in_string && ($sql[$i] == $in_string) && $buffer[0] != "\\")
> {
> $in_string = false;
> }
> elseif(!$in_string && ($sql[$i] == "\"" || $sql[$i] == "'") && $buffer[0] !
> = "\\")
> {
> $in_string = $sql[$i];
> }
> $buffer[0] = $buffer[1];
> $buffer[1] = $sql[$i];
> }
> if (!empty($sql))
> {
> $ret[] = $sql;
> }
> return($ret);
> }
> $polyarray=split_string($poly, ";");
> print("$poly<br>");
> $ligne = ms_newLineObj();
> for ($i=1; $i<$polyarray[0]+1;$i++)
> {
> $j=2*$i-1;
> $k=2*$i;
> $point=ms_newPointObj();
> $point->setXY($polyarray[$j], $polyarray[$k]);
> print_r($point);
> print("<br>");
> $ligne->add($point);
> print_r($ligne);
> print("<br>");
> }
> $shape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
> $shape->add($ligne);
> print_r($shape);
> print("<br>");
> ?>
> =======
> 4;907249;2505661;909472;2486354;934669;2483012;919847;2504547;
> point Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #2 [x] => 907249 [y] => 2505661 )
> line Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #1 [numpoints] => 0 )
> point Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #3 [x] => 909472 [y] => 2486354 )
> line Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #1 [numpoints] => 0 )
> point Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #4 [x] => 934669 [y] => 2483012 )
> line Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #1 [numpoints] => 0 )
> point Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #5 [x] => 919847 [y] => 2504547 )
> line Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #1 [numpoints] => 0 )
> shape Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #6 [numlines] => 0 [type] => 2 [index]
> => -1 [tileindex] => -1 [classindex] => 0 [numvalues] => 0 [text] => [bounds]
> => rect Object ( [_handle_] => Resource id #7 [minx] => -1 [miny] => -1 [maxx]
> => -1 [maxy] => -1 ) )
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