[mapserver-users] Layer Group Name - more

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Mon Sep 17 11:59:54 PDT 2001

Qlayer refers to a single layer, not a group. If you would be so kind as to register
this as a feature request via bugzilla I'll take a look at it. Another option would
be to allow multiple qlayers just as with the layer parameter. You can use the
regular layer or layers parameters to turn on layers you want to query and those
parameters do respect groups. To be queryable a layer:

  - must be explicitly turned on or  have STATUS of DEFAULT/QUERYONLY

(in 3.5 the QUERYONLY option goes away in favor of setting TYPE to QUERY,
this was done because in previous versions you could never turn off QUERYONLY
layers, a bad thing)

  - must have a valid template

So you can certainly turn layers on the old fashioned way.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Richard Greenwood <Rich at GreenwoodMap.com> 09/16/01 11:39AM >>>
A follow up to my previous question - It seems that if I use a group name 
for the qlayer in an nquery it gets ignored (like I hadn't specified a 
qlayer, and all layers with a template in their class are queried). But 
specifying a group name for the qlayer in an itemquery generates an error.

So can the group name be used to define the qlayer? It appears not. And if 
I am correct, can anyone suggest a way in which I might specify more than 
one qlayer, but not all of the layers in my .map files?


Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich at GreenwoodMap.com 
(307) 733-0203

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