[mapserver-users] QueryByPoint

ANDREW WOOLEY AWOOLEY at mountainland.org
Fri Sep 21 10:23:22 PDT 2001

OK.  Thanks for all the help.  I found some errors in my code and checked out the new version from CVS and all is healed.  It works just fine now.

Thanks for bearing with me and for your assistance.


>>> Daniel Morissette <morissette at dmsolutions.ca> 09/21 8:51 AM >>>
> I received this reply to my initial query and I have yet to receive any answer.  Does anyone have an idea why some of my shapefiles will work with a query and some won't?  I have line themes that seem to always work, but for some reason polygon features don't work.  I have a shapefile that is parcels and it will only return results on the very largest parcels i.e. >100 acres.  However, I have parks polygons and can't seem to even get results on any of them.  I can query point features, but if I convert my polygons to points and try that, using the very same LAYER def. and just changing the DATA to point to the new one and it doesn't work.  It is very, very frustrating.  Does anyone have any insight about this?
> Sorry for my difficulty in explaining, but it seems to be strange behavior.  I tried to get the latest nightly build (I need 3.5) and it won't compile (as of yesterday afternoon).  Thanks for any good suggestions.

Andrew, Toni,

Could one of you please file this in bugzilla and provide a small
mapfile and test dataset that reproduces the problem.  Having an easy
way to reproduce the problem would help us a lot in helping you.

About yesterday's compilation problem, it is resolved in today's CVS. 
Make sure you rerun configure then 'make clean' and 'make'.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca 
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ 
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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