[mapserver-users] New method for Python mapscript
Sean Gillies
sgillies at i3.com
Mon Aug 12 11:07:08 PDT 2002
Greetings Python mapscript users,
Recently, I've found the use for getting mapserver map images as
Python string objects. Rather than fill in the empty Python
getImageToVar() method, I decided to write a new interface for
a method I'm calling getImageString(). Mostly I disagreed with
the notion of getting to a variable through its name as a string.
I'm including the code that you might paste into your mapscript.i
file within the imageObj definition. You will need to modify your
setup.py script so that -DUSE_GD_PNG and -DUSE_GD_JPEG as passed as
arguments to swig. I've only tested this with gd-1.8.4 but will be
moving on to gd-2 next week.
So, now we can do stuff like this:
import MapScript
mapob = MapScript.mapObj(...)
imgob = mapObj.draw()
data = imgob.getImageString(...)
png = file("map.png", "wb")
This is trivial. It's more useful for creating Zope image objects
from a Zope Python script like this:
import StringIO
import MapScript
mapob = MapScript.mapObj(...)
imgob = mapObj.draw()
data = StringIO.StringIO(imgob.getImageString(...))
self.manage_addImage('map.png', data, "", "", 'image/png')
Hope that you find this of use and happy to hear any other ideas.
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