[mapserver-users] msOCIConnect() in msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): OracleSpatial error

Mackey Timothy Timothy.Mackey at ga.gov.au
Tue Aug 27 19:19:53 EDT 2002

Hi Rodrigo,

I've just got it to work! It was a matter of getting the right environment variables set in my web server software (ORACLE_SID,TWO_TASK,TNS_ADMIN,ORACLE_HOME). Things were a bit complicated because my web server is a different box to the Oracle server.

Thanks for all of your help,


-----Original Message-----
From: Rodrigo Zanato Tripodi [mailto:tripodi at cttmar.univali.br]
Sent: Wednesday, 28 August 2002 12:37 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Cc: Mackey Timothy
Subject: [mapserver-users] msOCIConnect() in msOracleSpatialLayerOpen():
OracleSpatial error


We need to configure a server with Oracle 9i and IAS in a Windows NT to test 
the connection.

I´ll check the source code and try to make a better error report for this 

The server configuration and the tests maybe take a month.

Rodrigo Zanato Tripodi
Laboratório de Computação Aplicada - CTTMar/Univali
tripodi at cttmar.univali.br

Este e-mail foi enviado pelo webmail do curso de
       Ciência da Computação - UNIVALI

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