[mapserver-users] RE: DBF or database dynamic shapes

Vinko Vrsalovic v at w.cl
Sat Feb 9 02:18:50 PST 2002

On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 09:58:04AM -0800, KRUSEMARK Matthew G wrote:
> Does anyone have information on how to create points from coordinate
> information stored in a database or DBF file; in other words a SHP that gets
> dynamically displayed after coordinate info is entered?

With mapscript you can create a layer and a shape in that layer. You can
obtain the data from a database or DBF file (with, for instance, the Perl 
or PHP native methods) and define a Shape with the obtained data, and finally 
add the shape to a layer and draw it.

You can look at the Mapscript documentation to form you an idea of
what's it about.

V. <v at w.cl>

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