[mapserver-users] MapServer Release Schedule

Frank Koormann frank.koormann at intevation.de
Wed Feb 13 03:17:03 PST 2002

Daniel, Steve,

* Steve Lime (steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us) [020213 08:01]:
> Hey folks: Dan's correct. There was a branch created with the 3.5
> release. Luckily there have been no *major* bugs reported/fixed that
> would warrant a maintanence release- yet.
> Frank's request is certainly valid. Dan, could you pass along your
> formula for building the change log to Jamie and the folks at the UMN?
> Seems that's where it should live. We should take a close look at the
> change log to make sure we haven't missed things that warrant a 3.5.1
> maintanence release.
> Steve
> > Daniel Morissette <morissette at dmsolutions.ca> 02/12/02 19:27 PM >>>
> > > Therefore I am asking for a commit list for
> > > the CVS: Distributing "commit messages" from the CVS system would give
> > > interested users the ability to follow the ongoing development of
> > > mapserver and the chance to track bugfixes to insert them into running
> > > systems.
> Could be a nice thing to have, mostly interesting for the developers and
> less for the users I would think.  But anyway, as an interim solution
> there is a ChangeLog file in our download site that is updated
> automagically every morning... you might want to have a look:
>  http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/mapserver/dl/mapserver_ChangeLog.txt
> Daniel

Thanks for clarification. Making the ChangeLog available helps
a lot and makes the progress of mapserver development more transparent. 

Kind regards,


Frank Koormann                             <frank.koormann at intevation.de>
 Professional Service around Free Software       (http://intevation.net/)
 FreeGIS Project                                 (http://freegis.org/)
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